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Sensor class objects

class Sensor()

Base Sensor class


def __init__(port: SensorPort, sensor_type: AutoDetect)

Initialize a EV3 sensor class at the given port.


  • port: Sensor port to which the sensor is attached (sensors.SensorPort.S1-sensors.SensorPort.S4).
  • sensor_type: Type of the sensor which is attached. sensor_port_probe.AutoDetect.ANALOG_P1 corresponds to LightSensorNXT and TouchSensorNXT sensor_port_probe.AutoDetect.ANALOG_P6 corresponds to TouchSensor sensor_port_probe.AutoDetect.PROTOCOL_UART_EV3 corresponds to ColorSensor, GyroSensor and UltrasonicSensor


  • SensorPortAlreadyInUse: When trying to create new sensor on port that is already in use.


def __del__()

Deinitialize the sensor and free the port for other uses.


def close_sensor()

Deinitialize the sensor and free the port for other uses.


def is_connected() -> bool


True iff sensor is connected and not in the process of rebooting, False otherwise


def is_ready() -> bool

Ready-state indicates that the attempt to read values will give valid results.

Example reasons for invalid results:

  • Sensor is not connected (is_connected returns False)
  • Sensor is rebooting or not initiated yet
  • Sensor is changing modes and the change is not finished yet
  • Connected sensor is incompatible with this handler (e.g. wrong type of sensor is connected)
In all of the above cases, this function will return False.


True iff values are ready for the next read, False otherwise


def wait_until_ready(timeout_ms: int = -1) -> bool

Waits until the sensor is ready. This function is blocking.

When changing modes, the sensor enters a "not ready" state for a short period (until the mode change is propagated). Therefore, it is recommended to first set the correct mode using set_mode() before the calling this function. This only applies to sensors with modes.


  • timeout_ms: Maximum number of milliseconds to wait. If the timeout is negative, the function will wait indefinitely.


success: - True: The sensor is ready. - False: The sensor is not ready and time ran out.


def reboot() -> None

Turn off power to the port and turn it back on. This will forcibly reboot the sensor.

The powered-down state lasts about 100ms. In case of some (mostly digital) sensors, there can be some additional time (~1s or more) to boot up and process connection handshake with Brian.