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LightSensorNXT class objects

class LightSensorNXT(Sensor)

Class for interacting with NXT light sensor.

Sensor is automatically registered in the constructor of the base class and un-registered in its destructor. It can also be unregistered with the LightSensorNXT.close_sensor() function.

There can be at most one instance at any given time, of any sensor class per port in the entire program.


def __init__(port: SensorPort)

Initialize an NXT light sensor at the given port.


  • port: Sensor port to which the sensor is attached.


def set_led_on(led_on: bool) -> None

This function sets the sensor to the desired mode. While it’s not mandatory, it is recommended to call this

function before accessing values from the sensor in a specific mode to prevent SensorIsNotReady exceptions.


  • led_on: whether the red LED should be set on or off


def light_value(led_on: Optional[bool]) -> float

Measures incoming light.


  • led_on: Indicates whether the red LED should be on or off.
  • If no value is provided or None is passed, the previously set LED state will be used.


  • brian.sensors.SensorIsNotReadyError: If the sensor is not ready.


Value in range 0-1, with 0 being the darkest and 1 being the brightest.


def light_value_raw(led_on: Optional[bool]) -> int

Measures incoming light. Raw measurement is inverted, meaning lower values correspond to brighter light.


  • led_on: Indicates whether the red LED should be on or off.
  • If no value is provided or None is passed, the previously set LED state will be used.


  • brian.sensors.SensorIsNotReadyError: If the sensor is not ready.


Value in range 0-4095, with 4095 being the darkest and 0 being the brightest.